
Nearly 33% of Veteran job seekers are underemployed, a rate 15.6% higher than non-Veteran job seekers. Luckily, there are career options out there that allow Veterans to prosper and find meaning, following their time in the service. One of those career options is Information Technology.

Veterans Already Have Skills for an Exciting Career In Technology

Veterans themselves are at an advantage from their service alone, regardless of occupation. Grit, servant leadership, and communication are three key traits that are instilled in veterans that give them the mindset needed to excel and thrive in any work environment.

Veterans Have A Strong Work Ethic

Veterans are trained to take ownership of their actions. They’ve learned how to step up to the duties assigned to them, overcome obstacles and execute tasks with minimal supervision.

Veterans Know How to Lead Teams

The military is a highly team-oriented and hierarchical environment. This sets veterans up for success leading tech teams, they know when it's appropriate to take orders, and when to give them.

Veterans Know How to Take Constructive Criticism

The military successfully uses after-action reviews to analyze a mission afterward to assess what happened and learn how to improve future outcomes. The rigors of these reviews make veterans adept at taking constructive criticism.

Learn skills. Get Certified. Start Working.

Our 6 month hands-on tech career training programs taught by industry professionals, teach the skills needed to land a full-time job in the growing "new collar" workforce.
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Why NuPaths for Veterans?

Veterans frequently struggle to find meaningful employment after service. Military experience often transfers into occupations like transportation, maintenance, and protective service, and not in-demand tech jobs. 

NuPaths builds the skills and knowledge you need for today’s and tomorrow’s career opportunities with focused IT and tech career training. Follow a path that leads to a high-demand IT job role, based on industry-recognized IT certifications, at a fraction of the time and cost of a college degree.

You can apply today for IT Training. 
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How To Get Started

There are a lot of opportunities when pursuing a career in IT, especially for a Veteran. NuPaths is a valuable alternative to pursing a college degree right after service. An exciting aspect of NuPaths for veterans is that you can start your post-military career in technology after just 6 months of training. You don't need to commit another 2 or 4 years , after having already committed 2+ years to the military. 

NuPaths offers IT career development in seven job roles, including tech support specialist, network technician, IT security analyst, software tester, digital marketing assistant, associate web developer, and project analyst. Our courses are designed to encourage active participation, to better engage students in learning the skills needed for IT work in the real world.

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Continuing your education is a big step—and we’re here to make it as smooth as possible. To get started today simply complete the short contact form.

Then a student success coordinator will contact you to help you with the next steps.


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