Speak with our Students & Grads

NuPaths students can learn key insights and gain confidence in their future through sharing your knowledge and experiences. Impact the next generation of IT and tech professionals by participating in one of our student events.
You can sign up for an upcoming event by clicking the Learn More button with each event description.
Subject matter experts needed for guest speakers and events: cybersecurity, data analytics, digital marketing, information technology, job interviewing skills, networks, project management, resume writing, software testing, technical support, web development, workforce development
You can choose to participate virtually or in-person at various training locations.  The location options are listed with each specific event below.  You can choose your preferred location(s) when you complete the form to indicate your interest in participating.    

After you register to speak with our students and indicate your preferred event(s) and locations(s) someone from NuPaths will be in contact to coordinate specific details.
Orientation Guest Speaker
Held during the first week of each program, this presentation is designed to motivate students and provide them with an overview of technology professions. The presentation often includes personal perspectives, company information, and tech hiring expectations.
15-20 minutes
Downingtown, PA
Franklin, PA
Harrisburg, PA
Hershey, PA
Norristown, PA
Philadelphia, PA
Job Search Skills Guest Speaker
This presentation is a key element of our Business Skills curriculum, part of which prepares students for their job search. The focus of this session is on resume writing and interviewing skills. Those who are familiar with IT and tech recruiting from an HR or hiring manager perspective are a good fit for this session.
30-60 minutes
Downingtown, PA
Franklin, PA
Harrisburg, PA
Hershey, PA
Norristown, PA
Philadelphia, PA
Next Steps Guest Speaker
This session is focused on professional development and continuing education. An IT or tech professional discusses ways that they stay engaged and current in their career and offers recommendations for students to do the same.
5-10 minutes
Employer Connection Event
Employers and students meet in “speed interviews” where each is introduced to the other in a brief discussion. They can decide whether to pursue a full interview afterward. This event provides resume-writing and interviewing skills practice as well as networking opportunities for students. Employers get access to a pool of qualified candidates. Employers provide feedback about each student that is shared with them for their professional development.
60-120 minutes
Downingtown, PA
Franklin, PA
Harrisburg, PA
Hershey, PA
Norristown, PA
Philadelphia, PA
Graduation Guest Speaker
This celebratory event recognizes recent program graduates. The graduation guest speaker provides a congratulatory and aspirational address as part of recognizing the students’ accomplishments and how their success impacts the workforce system overall.
10-15 minutes
Downingtown, PA
Franklin, PA
Harrisburg, PA
Hershey, PA
Norristown, PA
Philadelphia, PA
Employer Spotlight Session
The event allows an employer to provide an overview of their company and highlight IT and tech career opportunities with their firm and industry. The event is promoted to students, alumni, and other educational partners.
60 minutes
Downingtown, PA
Franklin, PA
Harrisburg, PA
Hershey, PA
Norristown, PA
Philadelphia, PA
High School Guest Speaker
Speak with high school students who are taking a NuPaths course or program as part of their school day.  The session allows a guest speaker to give examples of how what the students are learning is applied in everyday IT, tech, and business operations.
60-90 minutes
Northwest PA
Southcentral PA
Southeastern PA
High School Student Field Trips
The event allows an employer to provide an overview of their company and highlight IT and tech career opportunities with their firm and industry.
60-120 minutes
Northwest PA
Southcentral PA
Southeastern PA
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