Special Offers

NuPaths wants to make technology career training accessible to as many students as possible. There are a variety of special programs and funding options available. Please browse the current offers to see if any apply to you.

Current Offers

We work with our curriculum and funding partners to create special opportunities for youth and adults to prepare for a career in technology with NuPaths.

Launch Your Career: Full Scholarships for PA Recent Grads (18–24 years old)

Eligible graduates (18-24 years old) from Pennsylvania can launch a tech career for free. In just 26 weeks, gain skills as a Network Technician through flexible online and evening classes, hands-on practice, and job readiness support.





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Discounted Tuition for Employees of Partners

Receive a 10% tuition discount if your company partners with NuPaths or Harrisburg University. The employee discount is also available for Technology Council of Central PA (TCCP) members and HarrisburgU employees. Contact us or your HR Department to ask if your company is eligible.

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