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What Does a Software Testing Analyst Do and Why Become One

Individuals who excel as software testing analysts are organized, critical thinkers with a keen attention to detail. NuPaths offers a comprehensive training program to become a software testing analyst that equips you with the most essential skills and knowledge to land your first job in this role.
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Cybersecurity Analysts Fight Internet Ghouls and Goblins [updated]

So this Halloween, if you’re looking for a real horror story, but one that can come with a suspenseful yet heroic ending, keep reading to learn the ins and outs of cyber crime and how you can play the hero to protect what’s most important to you.
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Tech Talent Shortage: How Employers are Responding

We live in a world where technology touches everything we do, consume, see, and use to communicate. Try running an errand without crossing paths with some form of technology. It’s virtually impossible in the modern world! And as you interface with technology every day, think about the many, many jobs that exist to make this […]
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