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Assessing Your Skills: How to Identify Transferable Skills for a Career Change

Careers in IT and technology, specifically, tend to overwhelm job seekers. However, with the industry booming, new opportunities have emerged, and you might be surprised to learn that you possess a number of skills that tech companies are seeking.
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A Career in Digital Marketing Combines Creativity, Technology, and Job Opportunities [updated]

HubSpot, a developer and marketer of software products for inbound marketing and sales, defines digital marketing as marketing efforts that use an electronic device or the internet. Businesses leverage digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and other websites to connect with current and prospective customers. According to McKinley, there's high demand for […]
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Here’s Where to Start Your Career in Cybersecurity (updated)

Cybersecurity Needs You It’s simple: the bad guys are outnumbering the good guys at an alarming pace. According to CNBC, there’s been a 63% increase in cyberattacks due to the recent pandemic. It seems that COVID has allowed hackers to feed off of the fear, confusion, and increased online activity. It’s not just the pandemic […]
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