Recent Blog Posts

Which Pennsylvania Companies are Hiring NuPaths Graduates in 2020?

NuPaths graduates are getting excited to launch their Information Technology careers! Fortunately, there are Pennsylvania companies hiring that are a perfect fit for the grads. How do we know? Well, because they have already hired our graduates! Would you like to work at one of these companies? Keep reading to learn more about the companies […]
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What Every Student Ought to Know About Learning At Home

In the midst of the current pandemic, educational institutions – including NuPaths – have transitioned their programs to an online learning model. The transition to the virtual learning environment is chartering new territory for many. Fortunately, NuPaths was prepared for this transition having employed our distance learning model prior to COVID-19. This has equipped us […]
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NuPaths Transitions High School Programs to Online Learning

In accordance with Governor Wolf’s and the Pennsylvania Department of Education's continuity of education directive, along with collaboration with individual school partners, NuPaths has transitioned our NuPaths in the High School programs to online learning. Students attending Cumberland Valley High School (CVHS) in Mechanicsburg, enrolled in the NuPaths Technical and Security Assistant program and students […]
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